Česká golfová federace

Česká golfová federace




2020 European Young Masters

Golf Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, August 27 - 29

The Covid-19 Guidelines for the Attending Teams

Dear captains, advice givers, players. Currently, there are no specific sanitary restrictions in place in the Czech Republic which the Organizing Committee would have to require from the attending teams when on site. This, of course, refers to all outdoor as well as indoor activities during the event. The amended Rules of Golf due to the Covid-19 do not have to be applied, as well.

Since mid-June the CGF keeps providing enough disinfectants / sanitizers at the most critical places – e.g., reception desk, starter´s hut, scoring area, restaurant, toilets, etc. The same will stand for the EYM in Mladá Boleslav from August 24 till August 30. Please be advised: wearing masks is not compulsory, social distancing is being recommended as a precautionary measure. In addition, the Organizing Committee reckons on common sense and responsible behaviour being exhibited at all times on and off the course by all participants. 

Most of the catering for the teams - including Welcome Coctail and Farewell Dinner - will be arranged on the club´s summer terrace which is ample and roofed. Hopefully, the weather will be helping us in this respect, as well.

Last but not least – as a safety measure the Organizing Committee strongly encourages all teams travelling to the Czech Republic by car and staying in one of the partner hotels in Mladá Boleslav to use their car for commuting between hotel and course on a daily basis. The aim is to minimize the shuttle service as such.

The 2020 EYM Organizing Committee extends thank-you to all participating teams for their active cooperation and understanding in tough times. It also looks forward to welcoming you all in Mladá Boleslav!

Luboš Klikar
OC Chairman

General Information

Terms, Rules and Regulations

Schedule Details

Tee Times

Handicapping and Statistics

Golfbox scoring


















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